Error: “Could not connect to Bluebeam Studio”

Applies to:

  • Revu for Mac 1
Revu for Mac is no longer supported. Learn more.


An error message appears in Revu Mac saying “Could not connect to Bluebeam Studio” whenever you try to create an account, log in, or upload files to Bluebeam Studio.

Why is this Happening?

This is usually because the firewall ports used for Bluebeam Studio connections are currently blocked as part of your IT department’s network security policies.


Contact your IT department to confirm that the following ports are in fact unblocked for the indicated hosts so you can access Studio from Revu Mac:

  • *
  • *


Revu for Mac 1

Error Message


“Could not connect to Bluebeam Studio” appears in Revu whenever you try to create an account, log in, or upload files to Bluebeam Studio. Read the solution here.

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