How to transfer Tool Sets to Revu for iPad | Revu 21

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Applies to:

  • Basics
  • Core
  • Complete

You can export a Tool Set from Revu 21 and upload it to a Studio Project. When you connect to the Project from Revu for iPad, you can import the Tool Set and use there.

Export the Tool Set from Revu 21

  1. Go to the Tool Chest panel.
  2. Select Tool Chest > Manage Tool Sets.
  3. Select the Tool Set you’d like to export, then select Export.
  4. Upload the Tool Set file (.btx) to a Studio Project.
    The name of the .btx file may be different from the name shown in the Tool Chest or the Manage Tool Sets dialog.

Import the Tool Set to Revu for iPad

  1. Open Revu for iPad and select Document Manager.
  2. Log into your Studio Project, and tap the tool set file to import it into the Revu for iPad Tool Chest.
  3. To start using the tool set, select Tab Access and go into the Tool Chest.


Revu for iPad


Interface & Navigation

You can transfer a tool set by exporting it from Revu 21, uploading it to a Studio Project, connecting to the Project with Revu for iPad, and then importing it.

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