Highlights are opaque and conceal drawing or text | Revu 21

Using an older version of Revu?

Applies to:

  • Basics
  • Core
  • Complete


When using the Highlight tool, your markup is opaque and conceals the drawing or text.


To fix the issue, try the following solutions in order.

Adjust Highlight properties:

  1. Select the Highlight markup. A blue dotted outline will appear around the highlight when selected.
  2. Open the Properties (Alt+P) panel.
  3. Under Appearance, edit the color and opacity of the highlight to make the content underneath more visible.
    Highlight Properties
  4. To save these properties, select Set as Default under Options.
    Set as default

Enable Blend Modes

If adjusting the Highlight properties didn’t resolve the problem, follow these steps:

  1. Select Revu > Preferences (Ctrl+K).
  2. In the sidebar, select Advanced and 2D Rendering.
  3. Select the Blend Modes check box.
  4. Select OK.

Use the Highlight tool again to verify the problem is fixed.

Learn more

For tips on using the Highlight tool, check out Tips for highlighting and selecting text or visit the Help Guide.



Revu 21

When using the Highlight tool in Revu 21, does your markup appear opaque and conceal the drawing or text? Find the solution here.

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