What can I do in Studio Sessions that I may not already know?

Applies to:

  • Revu for Mac 2
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If you’ve ever used Studio Sessions, then you know it’s easy to collaborate with team members around the world. As a Session Host, you just upload files, invite attendees to join, and everyone can add markups to the same document.

For most organizations, Studio Sessions is a great alternative to emailing project documents and manually keeping track of the latest versions. But did you know there’s more you can do in Studio Sessions? Here are some additional features that can suit your team’s needs.

A licensed copy of Revu for Mac is required to host a Session, but you can invite others to join your session for free. All they need to do is create a Bluebeam ID with their email address.

Collaborate in real-time

Since Studio Sessions is a cloud-based platform and markups are shown in real time, you can look at changes right as they happen. In other words, you don’t have to wait for an email with the latest version of a PDF. With Studio, you just log into the Session to view an attendee’s edits or comments. If you can’t be in the session but still want email updates, you can sign up for Studio notifications.

Set access control

After you’ve started a session, you can set viewing restrictions for each user. This can be done by defining permissions for specific attendees, groups, or specific documents. You can even grant permissions for downloading, saving and printing to keep your documents secure.

In Studio Sessions, your individual markups are secure. While everyone can add and edit their markups, no one can change some else’s markups—but you can reply to them. To do this, secondary click on the markup, click Reply and start typing. This feature not only allows total control over your markups, but maintains accountability as well.

Interact with attendees

Although attendees don’t have to be in a Session at the same time, there are convenient ways to communicate if you’re logged in at the same time. You can follow another attendee as they zoom, pan and markup the PDF. To do this, hover over the attendee’s name in the Session panel, click Follow Attendee and your screen will change to show what they’re viewing. This lets you work through an issue with a colleague without the back-and-forth of exchanging emails or files.

You can also communicate with others via chat. Go to the Record tab at the bottom of the Studio panel and click inside the chat box. Start typing your message and press the Return key to send.

Session record and reporting

While you’re in a Session, you can find a Record containing a complete history of all markup activity and chats in the lower part of the Session panel. All of the information is fully hyperlinked, so you can click on a chat or markup in the list and jump to the section of the PDF that was open when that chat or markup was added.

At the conclusion of a Studio Session, you can create a report in the form of a single PDF package. This report contains all the documents and markups from your Session, along with a full history of the Session record.

To create your Session Report, click the Report summary button in the Studio panel.

Close a session

Once you and your colleagues have finished working in the Session, you can close it by clicking Finish . Once a session is finished, the files will no longer be available in Studio.


Revu for Mac 2


Getting Started

Do you know about all of the great was to use Studio in Revu for Mac 2? There are tons of features that may be news to you!

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