Form Fields
A Form Field is the element inside a PDF that stores data entered manually by the user or dynamically through JavaScript. In Revu Complete, all fields are customizable, allowing changes to the appearance as well as extending their behavior through JavaScript field events. Most fields may have their contents validate and input formats enforced. In many ways, the form fields behave very much like HTML forms.
Fields are identified by their name. Two different types of form fields cannot have the same name. To follow PDF best practices, it's highly recommended that all names for auto-generated form fields of the same type are unique. This will ensure the form's functionality outside of Revu.
Note: Functions related to creating and editing forms are only available in Revu Complete.

A Text Box is used to store text, dates, numeric values, email addresses, and so on. In most cases, a Text Box is the primary way of entering raw data for a user. The data in a Text box is represented as a string or number; when they are numeric, they can be used calculate formulas. Additional JavaScript processing may be done to convert the text values to Date or Boolean values.

A Dropdown is used to select from one of many items. This option may also allow the user to specify a new option not in the list. When dropdown selections are numeric, they can be used to calculate formulas.

A Digital Signature is used to securely and digitally sign the document. Essentially, a Digital Signature can be used to verify if a document has been signed by the authorized person.
There are some caveats to using a Digital Signature: mainly, once the contents of the document have been digitally signed, any modifications to the document will render that signature invalid. Also certificates must be distributed to others who want to verify that documents are coming from authorized people.