How to create a length measurement with multiple points

Applies to:

  • Revu 21
  • Revu 20
  • Revu 2019
  • Revu 2018

Measure lengths and runs using the Polylength tool

If you’re using Revu 21, you must have a Core or Complete subscription plan to use the Polylength and Perimeter tools. For more information about features and functionality available for each Bluebeam Plan, click here.

The measure_polylength Polylength tool can be used to measure any length that has multiple points, regardless of its shape. The measure_perimeter Perimeter tool functions similarly to the polyline Polyline tool, meaning that you can add and subtract control points, and convert control points and line segments to arcs.

The following information applies to both the Perimeter and the Polylength tools. These tools function in the same way, but the Perimeter tool measures the total length of the perimeter, whereas the Polylength tool measures the distances between each point as well as the total length.

To use the Perimeter tool:

  1. Go to Tools > Measure > measure_polylength Polylength.
  2. Select all points of the object to be measured.
  3. The measurement will complete automatically once you select the original point, or press Enter to create the markup without closing the shape.

Create curves in your measurement while placing points:

  1. Go to Tools > Measure > measure_perimeter Perimeter.
  2. Select a point on the object to be measured. To create a curve at the next point, hold Ctrl and drag away from the point. Once you have the desired curve, release the mouse.

Create curves in an existing measurement:

  1. Right-click the line, and select Convert to Arc.
    To convert a control point to a curve, right-click the control point and go to Control Point > Convert Control Point to Curve.
  2. Drag the curve’s control points to match the shape of the object you want to measure.

You can learn more about the Polylength and Perimeter tools in the Revu Help Guide.


Revu 2019


Revu 20

Other versions of this article

Revu 2017 and older

Measure lengths and runs using the Perimeter tool

We have received a number of requests from our users for Revu to include a Length measurement tool that measures multiple points, instead of just two. What most may not know is that this can already be done with the Perimeter measure-perimeter measurement tool. When using the Perimeter tool, it does not need to be placed in a closed loop. It can be open, allowing you to measure runs of cable, pipe, roads or any other length that has multiple points. You can also create a curved length measurement between two points.

The Perimeter tool is based on the Polylinepolyline tool. This means that you can add and subtract control points and convert control points or line segments to arcs – just like you can with a Polyline. Here is what you can do with the Perimeter tool, which is found in the Measurements measure tab, Alt+U:

Create a polyline length

  • Click the Perimeter measure-perimeter button, or press Shift+Alt+P.
  • Click and release to define all corners on the PDF.
  • Press Enter to end the Perimeter without closing the shape.

Create a rectangle by defining two points

  • Click Perimeter measure-perimeter button, or press Shift+Alt+P.
  • Click and drag between the two diagonal corners of the rectangle.

Create a polygon or rectangle by defining each point

  • Click the Perimeter measure-perimeter button, or press Shift+Alt+P.
  • Click and release to define three corners.
  • Click the first point to close the Perimeter.

Create curves in your measurement while placing points

  • Click the Perimeter measure-perimeter button, or press Shift+Alt+P.
  • Click and release to define first point, then move to next point.
  • Hold down Ctrl, then click and hold left mouse button while dragging out.
  • Release to set curve point.

Below is an image with a sample that shows different types of Perimeter measurements:


Revu 2017 & Below
