How to reactivate a Studio Session | Revu 21

Using an older version of Revu?

Applies to:

  • Core
  • Complete

With a Basics subscription plan, you can't create Studio Sessions. You must have an activated Core or Complete plan to do so.

If you're a Session Host, you can reactivate a Session from the Studio Portal before it's permanently deleted from the server.

  • Finished Session: After 120 days, a finished Session will be permanently deleted from the server.
  • Deleted Session: After 120 days, a Session marked as 'deleted' will be permanently deleted from the server.
  • Inactive Session: After 180 days of inactivity, a Session will be marked as 'deleted.'
After a Session is permanently deleted from the server, it can't be recovered. Learn more in our Studio FAQ.

Reactivate a Session

Hosts can reactivate a Session that has been archived, suspended, or marked as 'deleted' by following these steps:

  1. Close Revu.
  2. Go to your Studio portal page:
  3. Log in with your Bluebeam ID (BBID).
    If you use Studio Prime, you must switch to Classic Mode before continuing. To do this, select the email address located at the top right corner of the Prime Portal. From the dropdown menu, choose Classic Mode.
  4. From My Sessions, select the Session you want to reactivate.
  5. In the Profile tab, select Active from the Status dropdown.
  6. Select Update data.
  7. Open Revu and log into Studio.

The Session is now active and will appear in your Sessions list.

Inactive Session Notifications

Hosts will also receive an email notification 10 days before a Session becomes inactive and marked as 'deleted'.

Even after a Session is considered 'deleted' in the Studio Portal, it won't be permanently deleted from the Studio Server for an additional 120 days.

To keep the Session active, click the first link in the email:

Extend Session Email

The link will open a new tab in your browser before launching the Session in Revu. This will reset Studio's timestamp for the Session, keeping it active and extending the period before it's marked as 'deleted'.



Revu 21

If you're a Session host, you can reactivate a Session from the Studio Portal before the session is permanently deleted from the server.