File Access Panel - Explorer Mode
The Explorer mode on the File Access panel provides access to the files on your computer and network within Revu, without using Windows Explorer or Open.
Double-click any PDF shown to open it in Revu in the foreground. Double-click a PDF while holding down CTRL to open it in the background.
On the File Access panel toolbar, go to File Access > Explorer to access Explorer mode.

Path List: The Path List provides a quick way to navigate to local and network folders. To navigate to a known location, simply enter the path in the Path List field. As you do, the name will autocomplete and a list of folder names that match what you have entered will be shown. Use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to select from the autocomplete list. Press ENTER to navigate to the folder that is currently selected.
Path List
Click the down-arrow button in the Path List to reveal Path List favorites. Desktop, Computer, and Documents are automatically saved as favorites at the top of the list. Folders that you have Pinned will appear below them.
Expanded Path list
To show a list of drives and folders that can be accessed in Explorer mode, click the double-arrow to the left of the Path List.
The Desktop and Computer are also included in the list. Select any item in the list to show its contents in the files list and navigate to the desired folder. Select Open File Explorer to open Windows Explorer.
Sort menu: Click to sort the list by Name, Type, Size, or Date. Click the same sort option a second time to reverse the sort order.
Name: Sorts alphabetically by file name.
Type: Sorts alphabetically by file type.
Size: Sorts files by file size. When sorting by size, the file size will appear next to the file name. Folder sizes are not calculated.
Date: Sorts by date. When sorting by date, the file date will appear next to the file name.
Select File Filter menu: Filters the files that are shown in the file list. PDF Files, Documents, or All Files can be selected. PDF Files is the default.
Backward: Moves back one step in the navigation history.
Forward: Moves forward a step. Only available once Backward has been used.
Up One Level: Navigates to the parent of the current folder.
Create New Folder: Creates a new folder in the current location.
Pin Folder: Pins the current folder. Only shown for folders that are not currently pinned.
Unpin Folder: Unpins a folder that is currently pinned. Only shows for folders that are currently pinned.
File and Folder List: Appears below the toolbar. The folders and files of the currently selected folder are shown in the list. Double-click on a folder or file to open it.

The list that comprises the rest of the File Access panel in Explorer mode shows the files in the currently selected folder.
Click the white double-arrow to the right of each file name to show a list of drives and folders that can be accessed, similar to the double-arrow button on the toolbar.

Right-click on a file or folder to reveal the following options.
Open File: Opens the file in Revu.
Note: This option does not appear when right-clicking a folder.
Open Folder: Opens the folder in the File/Open dialog box.
Rename: Renames the file.
Delete: Deletes the file from the disk.
Note: This permanently deletes the file from the hard disk.
Properties: Opens the Windows File Properties dialog box.