Layers Panel
The Layers panel provides quick access to layers
Go to Window > Panels > Layers or press ALT+Y to show the
Layers panel.

The image below shows an example of the Layers panel of a layered PDF:
Layers with child layers will have a toggle triangle to the left of their names. Click this triangle to expand or collapse the list of child layers.

To show or hide a layer, click the box to the left of the layer's name to toggle its visibility. A layer with eye icon
To show or hide a parent layer and all its child layers at the same time,
To show only one layer,
See Using Layer Visibility for more information.

Click and drag a layer to move it to a new location in the layers list.

Layers menu:
Reset Layers: Resets the display of layers to the selected configuration.
Show Print Layers: Sets to visible only the layers that have Print Usage set to On in the layer properties.
Show Export Layers: Sets to visible only the layers that have Export Usage set to On in the layer properties.
Show All Layers: Sets all layers to visible.
Show Layers on Page Only: Hide the layer names that are not on the current page.
Show Layers Alphabetically: Sort the top level layers alphabetically.
Dial: This menu only appears when Revu detects the presence of a Surface Dial. Select a mode for the Surface Dial that determines how layers are shown as the Surface Dial is rotated:
- Isolate: Shows only the current layer.
- Build: Shows each layer scrolled through in progressing order.
- Select: Scrolls through layers without changing the view. Press the Surface Dial to select the current layer, either hiding or showing it, depending on its current state.
Add New Layer: Adds a new, blank layer to the PDF. The location of the new layer depends on the option selected from the menu.
- Add Before: Creates a new layer before the selected layer. If no layer is selected, the new layer is added to the top of the layers list.
- Add After; Creates a new layer after the selected layer (default). If no layer is selected, the new layer is added to the bottom of the layers list.
- Add Child: Creates a new layer as a child of the selected layer. If no layer is selected, this option is not available.
Add Layer from Page: Adds a layer to the PDF from the content of a source PDF. The location of the new layer depends on the option selected from the menu.
- Add Before: Creates a new layer before the selected layer. If no layer is selected, the new layer is added to the top of the layers list.
- Add After; Creates a new layer after the selected layer (default). If no layer is selected, the new layer is added to the bottom of the layers list.
- Add Child: Creates a new layer as a child of the selected layer. If no layer is selected, this option is not available.
See Adding Layers to a PDF
Configuration list: Shows the current configuration. Select a configuration from the dropdown menu to switch to it.
Save Configuration menu
Save Configuration: Saves the current visibility settings as the current configuration shown in the Configuration list.
New Configuration: Saves the current visibility settings to a new configuration.
Delete Configuration: Deletes the selected configuration.

The following options are available in the context menu of a selected layer (
Show Layer: Toggle to display or hide current layer or layers.
Isolate: Display this layer and its children, and hide all other layers.
Show All: Display all layers.
Markup Layer: Sets the selected layer as the Markup Layer. New markups will be created on this layer. The markup layer icon appears after the layer name.
Add Layer from Page: Creates a new layer from another PDF file. Works exactly as the Add Layer from Page button.
Add New Layer: Creates a blank layer. Works exactly as the Add Layer button.
New Layer Group: Creates an item in the layer list that is not a layer. This is primarily an organizational tool. Layer groups are recognizable by the fact that they do not have a toggle box to the left of their names.
Delete: Deletes the selected layer.
Export Layer to Page: Exports the selected layer or layers to a PDF. If a layer has children, they are also exported. If a selected layer is not currently displayed, the layer will export without the content.
Import Layer from Page: Imports a PDF content and its layers. The Import Layer dialog appears.
Flatten Markups: Flatten all markups to the selected layer. The Flatten Markups dialog appears with Assign Layer and the selected layer pre-selected. The default is that the markups will be flattened to their existing layer.
Unflatten Markups: Unflattens markups that have previously been flattened.
Layer Properties: Opens the Layer Properties dialog box to control the settings of a layer.
Title: The name of the layer. Does not appear if multiple layers were selected.
Default State: Set the default display state when the PDF is opened.
Locked: The title and default state cannot be changed from the layers list while this is checked. A
will appear before the layer name when it is locked.
View: Sets whether a layer will be shown (On) or hidden (Off).
Print: Sets whether a layer will be included in when the PDF is printed.
Export: Sets whether a layer will be included in an export when using Export Layer to Page.
Zoom: Sets whether the contents of a layer are always visible or are only visible when the user zooms in (or out) within a defined range. To enable, select On when in range and then define a zoom range. The contents of this layer will only appear when the display zoom is within this range.
Note: Selecting Layer Properties when multiple layers are selected allows you to control common settings among the selected layers in one action.