The Cloud tool is a Polygon markup with a cloud-like appearance preset. As such, the behavior of the Cloud tool is the same as the behavior of the Polygon tool.
Finish the cloud shape using any of the following methods:
A control point defines where two line segments meet in multi-segment markups. Control points can be added or removed from these markups.
Further, the line segments of these markups can be converted to curves or arcs at their control points, allowing them to conform to nearly any shape.
You can attach a note to nearly any markup that does not have a text box of its own. Simply double-click the markup to open the Note pop-up window. Notes attached to markups are functionally similar to the Note Tool.
Select a markup to reveal its control handles. Each handle controls a different aspect of the markup's size and orientation.
To rotate the markup, click and drag the orange handle outside the markup (when the markup is first placed, it will be at the top). By default, the markup is rotated in increments of 15°; to rotate in increments of 1°, hold down SHIFT while dragging.
The rotation can also be entered in the Rotation field found in the Layout section of the Properties tab.
To resize the markup, click and drag the appropriate yellow handle.
To scale the markup up or down, click and drag the appropriate purple handle.
See Editing Markups for more information.
The appearance of the Cloud markup is configurable, including its line and fill color, hatch pattern, line width and style, and opacity.
To change the appearance of a Cloud markup, select it and click the Properties tab.
Color: Sets the line color.
Fill Color: Sets a fill color.
Highlight: Makes the fill color and/or hatch pattern transparent so underlying content shows through.
Opacity: Sets the line opacity, from 0 (invisible) to 100 (opaque).
Fill Opacity: Sets the fill opacity, from 0 (invisible) to 100 (opaque).
Line Width: Sets the thickness (in points) of the line. A setting of 0 effectively renders the line invisible.
Style: Determines the line pattern.