Filters provide an efficient mechanism for working with markups on a PDF, which can become numerous in a production environment, causing the PDF to appear cluttered, especially when markups overlap. Filters provide a way of organizing, identifying, and integrating input from many people.
To filter by data in a column:
On the Markups list toolbar, click Filter. A triangle icon appears next to each column heading in the Markups list.
Filtering has the following effects while the filters are in place:
Markups on the PDF that do not match the selected filters are dimmed (as demonstrated below).
It is also possible to filter by search term. This feature is especially helpful when the column you are filtering has a large number of entries.
To filter by search term:
To remove a filter from a single column, click the triangle next to the column header and select [All].
To toggle off filtering without losing the filters you've set, click Filter on the Markups list toolbar.
To remove all filters, click Remove Filters in the Markups list toolbar.