Adding and Removing Digital Signature Fields
To prepare a document for digital signing, add one or more digital signature fields (depending on how many signatures are needed). Digital signature fields can also be removed from a document, if necessary.

To prepare a document for digital signing, add one or more digital signature fields (depending on how many signatures are needed).
- Go to Tools > Form >
Digital Signature.
- Click and drag a rectangle to define the region where the signature will appear.
- If the PDF requires multiple signatures, drag similar rectangles over the other signing areas.
- To manage the properties of any signature field, right-click it and select Properties. Set any of the following options, as desired:
- Name: Assign a name to this signature field (often the name or title of the person to sign here).
- Tooltip: Enter text that will display when a user hovers their cursor over the field.
- Field: Select whether the field will be Visible (default), Hidden, Visible but doesn't print or Hidden but printable.
- Orientation: Select the orientation of the signature, in degrees: 0 (right-side up, default), 90, 180 (upside down) or 270.
- Read-Only: Check to set the signature field as read-only so it cannot be altered. This will actually make it impossible to add a digital signature to the field, so it is not generally recommended.
- Required: Check to set the signature field as being required. Required signatures are easily identified by a red border.
- Lock: Check to lock the properties of the signature field so that they cannot be changed.
Press Esc when all signature fields have been added and then save the PDF.

In the event that it becomes necessary to delete a digital signature field, do the following:
- Go to Tools > Form >
Digital Signature.
Right-click the digital signature field to be deleted and select Delete.