Creating Forms
Forms can be created in Revu by manually placing form fields on a PDF or by using the Auto Create function. Auto Create is the better option for PDFs that already represent forms as it will detect areas of the PDF that conform to form field characteristics and build a form automatically for you.
For more information about editing existing forms, see Editing Forms.
Note: Functions related to creating and editing forms are only available in Revu Complete.

Revu can scan PDFs and detect elements in the content layer that conform to form field characteristics, then convert them into form fields. Common form elements (for example, fill buttons, check boxes, and text lines) are more readily detected.
- Open the PDF to be converted into a form.
- Go to Tools > Form >
Automatically Create Form Fields. Revu scans the PDF and converts areas that conform to form fields automatically.
- Some things to keep in mind when using Auto Create:
- Revu will automatically name the form fields it creates using corresponding text it finds. These names will appear on the Form panel.
- Revu will automatically attempt to identify the type of form field, either by general shape (for example, non-text circles become radio buttons and boxes become check boxes) or by text clues (for example, if the word "Signature" appears immediately to the left of what appears to be a text field, Revu will automatically create a signature field there). The following fields can be auto-detected:
- Text input fields
- Check boxes
- Signature fields
- Date-formatted fields
- Radio buttons
- Some things to keep in mind when using Auto Create:
- Edit Form mode is automatically engaged once the process is complete. Review the PDF form fields, which will be shown in blue.
Note: If nothing is detected in the content layer of the PDF during the Auto Create process, Revu will suggest running OCR on the PDF.
- Click Yes to run OCR on the PDF and detect potential form fields.
- Click No to attempt to detect form fields without running OCR.
- Click Cancel to stop the process without taking any action.

A number of different form fields can be added to a PDF to create a form.
- Open the PDF to be converted into a form.
- Go to Tools > Form and select the form field to be added to the PDF. See Form Fields for more information about the available fields.
- Alternatively, open the Forms panel and select the desired form field from its toolbar.
- Place the form field on the PDF.
- Repeat as needed.