Appearance Toolbar

By default, the Appearance toolbar contains tools for defining appearance settings of selected markups.

This function is only available for Studio Session PDFs.

If the toolbar is currently hidden, go to View > Toolbars and select it to show it.

Line Color: Opens a color selector to define the color for line and outline elements of the currently selected markup. The rectangle under the pen icon denotes the currently selected color.

Fill Color: Opens a color selector to define the fill color of the currently selected markup. The rectangle under the bucket icon denotes the currently selected color.

Opacity: Opens a selector to change the opacity for the currently selected markup in 10% increments. A setting of 100% makes the markup completely opaque and a setting of 10% makes the markup nearly transparent. Values in-between define various levels of transparency. To set the opacity to a value not available in the menu (for example, to 45%), right-click the markup and select Properties to open the Properties tab and enter the desired value in the Opacity field there.

Hatch Pattern: Displays a list of available hatch patterns that can be used to fill the selected markup.