How to deny a Session participant and reassign markup ownership

This article applies to:

  • Revu 20

In previous versions of Revu, markups were locked to the user who created them and couldn’t be edited or reassigned. Although this feature was intended for author traceability, it caused issues when markup contributors left ongoing projects. Starting in Revu 20.1, it’s now possible to reassign markups of inactive users to another member of the Session. This will thereby reduce the need to overlay corrective comments, while still maintaining author traceability.

These steps will give you full control over another user’s markups. They will not allow you to change permissions for other users, or change preferences for the Session. If you need this level of control, refer to Reassigning ownership of Studio Sessions.

Denying a user and transferring their markups 

To transfer markup ownership, you’ll first need to deny the inactive user(s) and then select a recipient for their markups. 

Please note that after a user has been denied and their markups have been reassigned, the denied user will not be able to re-enter the session. The primary intent of this feature is to give session owners the ability to reassign markups for users who have either left a current session, or the company associated with that session.
  1. Within your Session, go to Session Settings and select the Attendees tab. Alternatively, you can select Attendee Access under Attendees
  2. Select the user you want to deny and then select Deny. The Deny Users dialog box appears asking you if you would like to keep the denied users markups locked, or if you would like to reassign them.
    Figure 1. The Deny Users dialog box appears after denying a user. Here you can decide to keep the denied users markups locked, or to reassign them.
  3. If you would like to transfer markup ownership, select Reassign to edit their markups. A drop-down list of Session Attendees appears. 
  4. Select the Attendee you would like to transfer markup ownership to and then select Deny 1 User
    You can deny multiple users at a time, but their markups can only be transferred to one other user from the Attendee list.
  5. Markup recipients will receive a notice informing them to close and reopen their Session documents before they can begin editing. In addition, recipients will also receive an email notifying them that markups have been transferred to them.
    Figure 2. A confirmation email is sent to the new owner of the transferred markups.

You can also verify in the chat record that a user has been denied and that their markups have been transferred. 

Things to consider

  • Only Session Admins and users with Attendee access permissions will be able to deny a user and transfer markup ownership.
  • A denied user will show up as “grayed” out in the Session Attendee List. They will not be able to re-enter a Session once their markups have been reassigned.  This process is permanent and non-reversible. 
  • The Markups List and any pertaining PDF Summary will reflect both the original author of the markups and their current owner. 
  • A record log event of markup ownership transfer can be exported as part of Session log reports.

For more on markup reassignment, see Denying an Existing Attendee Access.


Revu 20


When working in a Studio Session, there may be times when a contributor leaves a project. In previous versions of Revu, markups authored by that user were locked and could not be edited or reassigned. Starting in Revu 20.1, it’s now possible to reassign markups to another user in a Session, reducing the need to overlay corrective comments, while still maintaining author traceability.

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