Studio Session Guide

The Bluebeam Developer Portal is only available to active customers in the US region.

Think of a Studio Session like a digital conference room where PDF drawings can be marked up either simultaneously or asynchronously. This guide covers the general life cycle of a Studio Session and includes code examples. To learn more about Studio and Studio Sessions in general, visit our Studio FAQ page.

You can follow along with this guide and try many of the call outs in the Studio section of our API docs. See our Getting started in the Bluebeam Developer Portal guide for instructions on how to get a valid access token.

Studio Sessions lifecycle

The lifecycle of a Studio Session can be split up into 4 parts:

  1. Initialization – Opens up the "digital conference room"

  2. Add PDFs to the Session for viewing and mark up

  3. Add users to the Session so they can view and mark up

  4. Finalization – Closes the Session and returns the marked up PDFs to their originating system


Returning the file to its originating location and archiving the Session completes the typical Studio Session lifecycle. Though there are many different ways to work with Studio Sessions, we hope this walk-through has given you a good grasp of the basics.


See also: