How to resize and arrange markups with alignment tools
Applies to:
- Revu 21
- Revu 20
The Revu Alignment toolbar includes many different tools with similar names and icons, so it may be difficult to keep them all straight if you're unfamiliar with them. This article discusses the different types of alignment tools and how to use them to resize and arrange your markups.
About alignment tools
Nearly every alignment tool is dependent on the primary markup, designated by yellow control points, while all other markups will have green control points. Revu will reposition secondary markups relative to the primary markup.

To designate a primary markup, select multiple markups. The first markup you select will become the primary markup by default. To learn more about how to select multiple markups, check out Easy ways to master markup selection.
To change the primary markup, select a markup with green control points. The control points become yellow to show the current primary markup.
To access the alignment tools, either right-click the markup and select one of the tools in the Alignment dropdown, or use the Alignment toolbar.
Positional alignment tools
These tools affect the position of the markups relative to the primary markup, or the center of the document.
Align Left: Aligns the left edges of two or more markups to the left edge of the primary markup.
Align Top: Aligns the top edges of two or more markups to the top edge of the primary markup.
Align Right: Aligns the right edges of two or more markups to the right edge of the primary markup.
Align Bottom: Aligns the bottom edges of two or more markups to the bottom edge of the primary markup.
Align Middle: Aligns the vertical middle of two or more markups to the horizontal middle of the primary markup.
Align Center: Aligns the horizontal center of two or more markups to the vertical center of the primary markup.
Center in Document: Aligns the centers of one or more markups to the center of the page.
How to place markups in a straight line
Placing markups on a straight line can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as placing several markups along a wall on a floorplan.
- Select the markups that you want to align.
- Right-click the markup you want to set as the primary markup, and perform one of the following:
- Select Alignment >
Align Middle.
- Select Alignment >
Align Center.
- Select Alignment >

Resizing tools
These tools allow you to copy the exact width and/or height from a primary markup and apply them to the other selected markups even if they aren't the same shape.
Align Width: Makes two or more markups the same width as the primary markup.
Align Height: Makes two or more markups the same height as the primary markup.
Align Size: Makes two or more markups the same height and width as the primary markup.
How to align markup size
- Select your markups.
- Right-click the markup you want to set as the primary markup, and perform one of the following:
- Select Alignment >
Align Width.
- Select Alignment >
Align Height.
- Select Alignment >
Align Size.
- Select Alignment >

Distribution tools
These tools reposition markups so that the spaces between their centers are equal.
Distribute Horizontally: Distributes three or more markups along their horizontal plane.
Distribute Vertically: Distributes three or more markups along their vertical plane.
How to divide a space evenly
- Select your markups.
- Right-click any markup, and perform one of the following:
- Select Alignment >
Distribute Horizontally.
- Select Alignment >
Distribute Vertically.
- Select Alignment >

Flip tools
These tools change the direction a markup is facing across its horizontal or vertical axis while retaining its position.
Flip Horizontal: Flips one or more markups horizontally.
Flip Vertical : Flips one or more markups vertically.
How to flip a markup
- Select your markup(s)
- Right-click any markup, and perform one of the following:
- Select Alignment >
Flip Horizontal
- Select Alignment >
Flip Vertical
- Select Alignment >
Revu 20
Revu 21