Allowlist Bluebeam solutions by domains or IP addresses

Applies to:

  • Revu 21
  • Revu 20
  • Bluebeam Cloud

If you're an IT admin who needs to whitelist Revu, Studio, and/or Bluebeam Cloud for users, use the information below to access regions and services, domains and wildcards, and steps for how to obtain IP ranges from AWS.

Bluebeam AWS Regions & Services

Whitelist by domains or wildcards

For best practice, we recommend whitelisting by domain and using wildcards to capture all Bluebeam solutions (i.e., Revu, Studio, and Bluebeam Cloud). This will ensure users receive account activation emails for Revu 21 subscription licenses.

Whitelist by IP addresses

If you're unable to whitelist Bluebeam solutions with the domains/wildcards above because firewalls require you to use IP addresses, we highly recommend retrieving Amazon IP ranges according to your Bluebeam region/service.

Bluebeam Cloud

Revu 21

Revu 20


When whitelisting Bluebeam solutions, access regions and services, domains and wildcards, and steps for how to obtain IP ranges from AWS.