Error: "PRC format is not fully supported"

Applies to:

  • Revu 21
  • Revu 20


The following error message appears in Revu:


PRC files cannot be used with Revu at this time. If you need to work with 3D PDFs in Revu, please use the U3D format. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

More information

The Revu Help Guide provides more information about creating and working with 3D PDF's.


Revu 20

Revu 2019

Revu 2018

If you're receiving the error "Unsupported 3d Subtype PRC, check for newer version of Bluebeam Revu for updates." or "Error Parsing 3D Parts," this article discusses how you can resolve it.

Other versions of this article

Revu 2017 and older

One of these error messages may appear when opening certain 3D PDF files in Revu: - Or - Click OK and the PDF will open, but the 3D elements won't display.

Why Does this Happen?

Although Revu supports 3D PDF files with the Universal 3D (U3D) format, there are other 3D formats such as PRC which aren't supported at this time.


You'll need to find a way to produce a compatible 3D PDF in Universal 3D (U3D) format.

You can find more information about creating and working with 3D PDFs in our training videos, FAQs, and the Revu manual, which can be found on our Support page.


Revu 20

Revu 21