Uninstall Revu

This article applies to:

Revu 20

To perform a general uninstall of Revu, follow the steps below. If you want to uninstall Revu and transfer your license to another computer, see Transferring a Revu license to a new computer.

Performing an uninstall

  1. Open Revu and go to Revu > Unregister. Close Revu after you have successfully unregistered.
  2. On your computer, click the Start menu and then select Apps and Features (Programs and Features).
  3. Select Bluebeam Revu and then select Uninstall. Follow the on-screen prompts to continue uninstalling the software.
    If you are using Revu 2019 or below, your uninstall is now complete. If you are using Revu 20, continue to step 4.
  4. From Apps and Features, select BluebeamOCR 20. As of Revu 20, the OCR module must be uninstalled separately from the general Revu application.
  5. Select Uninstall. Follow the on-screen prompts to continue uninstalling the software.


Revu 20


To perform a general uninstall of Revu, follow the steps below. If you want to uninstall Revu and transfer your license to another computer, see Transferring a Revu license to a new computer