Revu 21 Release Notes
Other product release notes: Bluebeam Cloud | Revu 20 & Below
Revu 21.4.0
14 January 2025
What’s New
Markup Selection Cycle – Cycle through and select from crowded overlapping markups with ease.
What’s Fixed
Prompt to install Bluebeam PDF printer when trying to print to a different location.
Printing via Microsoft Word plugin resulted in misaligned text.
Printing to KIP & Canon printers inadvertently resulted in Pages printing in Gray Scale.
‘Lines Merge’ function was not producing the expected output.
Revu not shown in Windows Task Bar while open.
Tag Date Format was not respecting locale settings.
Switching views in Revu could lead to a crash over time.
Large discrepancies between the original and resulting .pdf when converting documents with Plug-In/Stapler.
Export to Office programs resulted in 0kb file if the language in Region setting was set to certain English regional formats.
Bluebeam plugin formatting was not matching original Word document.
Studio Session Reports were incorrectly labeling the "Page Label" column.
Additional improvements and fixes.

24 September 2024
What’s New
Dark Mode — Reduce eye strain by turning any file into a dark color scheme viewing experience.
Plugin support for Revit 2025 and AutoCAD 2025.
Localization improvements for French and Spanish.
Improved Sharing experience for Studio Sessions and Projects.
What’s Fixed
Unable to edit text with PT Sans font recently installed.
Users with Norwegian language couldn’t use Bluebeam PDF Printer (using Save As) in version 21.2.
PDF printed from Revit using BB printer was changing content on larger paper sizes (2A0 size).
Part of the page wouldn’t render in Batch Sign & Seal window.
Search Set option wouldn’t work in Sets stored in Projects.
Copying and pasting Studio Project Folder into itself would delete the whole folder structure.
Blank space was being added to PDFs made from Bluebeam Word plugin when stored in OneDrive.
Revu was crashing as a result of Applocker policy.
Additional improvements and fixes.

25 June 2024
What's New:
Status Keyboard Shortcut – Accelerate your tasks by applying markup statuses with keyboard shortcuts.
Auto Align Improvements – Increased efficiency and performance, now up to 8x faster.
Export Latest Status Only – Create a focused Markup Summary that zeroes in on the latest statuses while leaving out the entire audit history.
German Localization – Translation improvements for German, along with improved support for metric units and ISO formatting.
Revu in VMs – Improved support for using Revu in non-persistent virtual machines.
New PDF Units – Create new or insert page using any units, independent of Preferences setting.
Hide Individual Markups – Quickly surface and interact with markups whose visibility is obscured by overlapping markups.
What's Fixed:
Decimal character in Markup Formula did not work.
Word Plugin & Stapler was removing Paragraph spacing.
Error when adding a date and time to Header/Footer when Revu’s language is set to Germany.
Converting Polylength to Arc resulted in unexpected direction of arc.
Punchkey Import was failing to import CSV files made with other region settings.
Markup List: Custom Column choice was importing values from CSV with other delimiter.
Printing to Bluebeam PDF Printer/Plugin via Revit shifted content when printed to page size over 48″ width.
Additional improvements and fixes.

April 9, 2024
What's New:
Auto Align - Overlay Pages and Compare Documents now have a brand new alignment option. Using Bluebeam AI technology, pages can be aligned automatically.
Preferences Search - You can now search Revu's Preferences for available settings.
Banner - Revu can now communicate contextual information about features you're using without blocking you with alerts.
What's Fixed:
Dynamic fill causing Revu to crash.
Source folder option will not work for some folders when using Office Plugin when Onedrive is enabled.
In PDF files created by tx_pdf 25, the text does not display properly.
Page Scale and Page Label in Thumbnails tab defaults to "ON" every time Revu is closed and reopened.
Additional improvements and fixes.

October 17, 2023
What's New:
Markups & Measurements
Multiply – Create offset copies of Markups and Measurements. You can specify direction, rotation, distance at scale, number of copies, as well as preview before placing on your document.
Custom Captions – Customize your measurement captions with data from your Markups List columns. You can choose from Revu’s columns, or display values from your custom columns.
Center Coordinates – You can now also add center coordinate values to the Markup List. This allows increased precision for workflows that require the exact center point of Markups.
Bluebeam users who are invited to collaborate in a Studio Session, but are not yet part of a Plan, can now collaborate more effectively. Collaborators are now also able to use colors, Stamps, Snapshot, Cloud+, and Highlight.
Revu now includes and fully supports the BEAst 3.0 Profile. Revu users in Sweden can use the latest Profile version that complies with the BEAst nordic standard.
What's Fixed:
Sketch-to-Scale measurements could not be moved to an exact position in 21.0.40.
Slow typing in text boxes in Windows 11 when Virtualized Webcam Drivers are enabled.
Printing via Word plugin resulted in misaligned text.
Source folder option would not work for some folders when using Office Plugin with OneDrive is enabled.
Unable to edit text with PT Sans font recently installed.
Hatch Patterns (.PAT) did not import on systems with INTL Settings using comma as decimal.
Error “The document could not be saved…” when saving or checking out a file.
Custom columns partially cut off in Properties Panel.
Additional improvements and fixes.

July 20, 2023
What's New:
Enhanced support for SharePoint Online.
Support for ProjectWise 2023.
Plugin support for Revit 2024, AutoCAD 2024, and Navisworks 2024.
What's Fixed:
Fixed an issue where use of decimal as a separator for depth on measurements wasn’t working.
Fixed an issue where the Bluebeam Printer wasn’t saving files with associated special characters.
Fixed an issue where files encrypted with FileOpen DRM were failing to open.
Fixed an issue where connecting to SharePoint Online using the “Open in Revu” option for the first time presented errors.
Fixed an issue where very large Studio Projects failed to download. Additional improvements and fixes.

March 28, 2023
What's New:
Microsoft Information Protection (MIP)
Revu now supports the ability to open PDF files protected by Microsoft’s MIP protection service. MIP protected files shared within an organization can now be opened read-only.
What's Fixed:
Fixed an issue where documents wouldn’t open, or were unable to connect to Studio.
Fixed an issue where users were unable to delete or insert pages on multipage files with broken bookmarks.
Fixed an issue where layers associated with custom markup tools reset.
Fixed an issue where Revu didn’t support long filename paths in SharePoint.
Fixed an issue with inconsistent snapping of pages when scrolling to top of document.
Fixed an issue where JavaScript stamps weren’t functioning as expected.
Fixed an issue with View/Sheet Sets not remembering selections made for files located in BIM360.
Fixed an issue where PDFs created from iTextSharp weren’t displaying as expected in Revu.
Fixed an issue where some hyperlinks were failing to open as expected.
Fixed an issue affecting text selection.
Many additional improvements and fixes.

September 20, 2022
Revu 21 makes it easy to securely access your work anywhere. You can log into any desktop with Revu installed and access your project files, or send your Tool Chest to Bluebeam Cloud for markups on-the-go. You can learn more about Bluebeam Cloud here.
What's New:
Sign In
Sign in securely on any desktop with Revu installed and access all the features corresponding to your Bluebeam Plan.
Bluebeam Plans allow you to access Revu 21, Studio, and Bluebeam Cloud on up to five devices using a single login.
Tool Chest Anywhere
Send your Tool Chest directly to Bluebeam Cloud and access many of your favorite tools on any web or iOS device.
Enjoy added support for Revit, AutoCAD and Navisworks 2023.
What's Fixed:
Fixed an issue where selecting fonts in DPT would crash Revu.
Fixed an issue where text added to a text box was not being recorded in a Session.
Fixed an issue where check-in information was not updated in the SharePoint version history dialog.
Fixed an issue where signatures were incorrectly showing as invalid.
Fixed an issue with Bluebeam Administrator settings for Bluebeam PDF printer.
Fixed an issue with AutoCAD plugin not respecting an option for deleting temporary files.
Fixed an issue with converting an Outlook email to a PDF. Fixed an issue where Windows updates were crashing Revu for deployed installations.
Fixed multiple issues with IGC digital certificates significantly increasing file size.
Fixed an issue with editing multi-page files with broken Bookmarks.
Fixed an issue with Office plugin not converting files with overlapping images.