Common Studio error messages

Applies to:

  • Revu 21 & Below
As of June 28, 2023, support for Revu 2019 & below has reached End of Life. Having trouble accessing Studio? Click here to find out more.

The blank areas in the error messages will include the URL you attempt to access, for example:

Error: You do not have permission to access ‘______’

You’ll see this message if you try to join a Studio Session or Project that is not hosted on a server included in your list of allowed Studio Servers. If you want to join this Session or Project, please contact your IT department and have them add it to the Studio allowlist.

At least one invalid Studio URL has been detected and removed

The Studio allowlist created by your IT department contains at least one incorrect or invalid name.

The server ‘______’ does not support Windows authentication

This means that only part of the list of allowed Studio Servers setup has been completed. Please contact your IT department to have them look into this issue.

Disabled by your system admin

If you see this message, there’s either an issue with the list of allowed Studio Servers setup, or your IT department disabled Bluebeam Studio on your machine.

Studio Enterprise users: to implement a Studio allowlist on your site, please follow these steps.


Revu 21

Revu 20

Error Message


Find out why some Studio error messages occur, and how to get around them.