Studio Sessions guide for Revu
This article applies to:
- Revu 21
In this guide, you'll learn how to use Studio Sessions in Revu to collaborate on project documents. By the end, you'll be able to:
- Start a new Studio Session and invite attendees.
- Review the Session record and generate reports.
- Manage Session settings and attendee permissions.
To follow along with this guide, you'll need:
- Revu 21
- A Bluebeam Core or Complete plan
- A valid Bluebeam ID (BBID)
- A reliable internet connection
Start a Studio Session
To start a Studio Session:
- Go to Window > Panels > Studio.
- Choose your region, and select Sign In.
You may also use an alternate BBID to sign in.
- Select Add > New Session.
- Enter a name for your new Session.
- Select Add to choose PDFs you want to include in the Session.
- Choose the default permissions for all attendees.
- Select OK to create the Session.
Invite attendees
After you start a Session, Revu prompts you to invite users. You can also send invitations later by selecting Invite.
- In the Invite Users dialog, select Type or Paste Emails.
- Enter the email addresses of the users you want to invite, separated by commas or spaces.
- Select Check & Include Emails.
- Select Invite Participants.
Your invited attendees will receive an email with a link to join the active Studio Session. To send additional invites, select Invite.
Collaborate in a Studio Session
Once attendees join the Session, you can begin collaborating on PDF documents. All attendee markups will be instantly visible to everyone in the Session.
To upload additional documents, select Add File.
To follow another attendee's view, right click their name in the Attendees list and select Follow Attendee.
Review the Session Record
Studio keeps a complete record of all activity in the Session. You can generate and save a Session report to your computer at any time during the Session. To generate a Session report:
- In the Studio panel next to Chat, select
Choose the type of report to create:
Record Summary: Generates a PDF of the Record section from the Studio tab.
PDF Package Report: Compiles a PDF package with the Record Summary and all Session documents.
Combine Files Report: Produces a single PDF containing the Record Summary and all Session documents.
- Enter the title of the report.
- Choose the page size and orientation.
- Select OK.
The report shows a chronological history of all markups, comments, and chat messages added by attendees.
When you generate a PDF Package Report or Combine Files Report, you can click on any item in the report to jump directly to that location in the PDF .
Manage Session settings
As the Session host, you have the ability to configure various settings to control the collaboration experience. To manage Session settings, select Session Settings, where you can:
- Set or update the Session expiration date
- Enable or disable email notifications for the Session
- Manage attendee permissions, such as the ability to save or print documents
Any changes to the Session settings will be reflected for all attendees.
Attendee Access
The Restrict Attendees setting in Session Settings determines the default access behavior for attendees. This setting is enabled by default. Only attendees with an "Allow" status can enter the Session.
When Restrict Attendees is disabled, any attendee can enter the Session except those with a "Deny" status.
To add individual attendees to a Session:
- Select the Attendees tab.
- Select
- Enter the attendee's email address.
- Select OK.
By default, new attendees are given an "Allow" status. To deny access, select the attendee and click Deny. Revu gives you the option to lock or reassign their markups.
To invite multiple attendees at once, refer to the "Invite Attendees" section above.
Setting permissions in Studio Sessions allows you to control what actions attendees can perform within the Session. To set permissions, select the Permissions tab.
The Attendees group, which applies to all users in the Session, will be shown by default. Most permissions for this group are initially set to Allow. We recommend giving additional permissions to specific users or groups rather than allowing greater access to the Attendees group.
To add individual users or groups:
- Select
- Select the desired users or groups.
- Select OK.
Only the Session owner's groups can be used in the Session.
By default, users and groups you add inherit the permissions of the Attendees group.
Finish a Session
Finishing a Studio Session ends the Session and removes its documents from the Studio server. Only Session Hosts and users with Full Control permissions can finish a Session.
Before finishing a Session, you have the opportunity to create a Session Report and save the Session documents. The saved documents can include markups from specific attendees that you select.
When you finish a Session, ensure that no one is currently working on any Session documents. To finish a Session:
- At the top of the Session panel, select the Session name and ID.
- Select Finish Session.
- Select the attendees whose markups you want to include in the saved Session documents.
- Choose one of the three save options:
- Save (Overwrite Existing) saves the files back to their original upload locations, overwriting any existing files with the same name. Avoid this option if you need to preserve the original files and have not made backups.
- Save In Folder saves the Session documents in a specified folder. To change the default folder location, select the more button to open Windows File Explorer and navigate to the desired location. Select Session Subfolder to create a subfolder with the Session name within the specified location.
- Do not save files discards the Session documents without saving them.
- Select Close files after finishing to automatically close any Session files that are currently open in Revu.
- Choose whether you want to generate a Session report. Refer to the "Review the Session Record" section above to learn more about the settings.
- Select OK.
When a Session is finished, the Session and all of its files are removed from the Studio server. However, Session owners may reactivate a Session after finishing.
Revu 21
Studio Sessions