Studio FAQs
Applies to:
- Revu 21
- Revu 20
This article answers the most frequently asked questions about Studio. If you have questions about how Studio compares to Bluebeam Cloud, check out the Studio Sessions vs. Studio Projects Guide.

Bluebeam Studio is a cloud-based collaboration platform in Revu and Bluebeam Cloud that allows teams to work together on project documents in real time, regardless of their location or device.
Bluebeam Studio includes the following:
Studio Projects, a cloud-based simple document management system
Studio Sessions, an online collaboration tool that allows invitees to mark up the same PDF in real-time
Your teams can use Bluebeam Studio to upload project documents, mark them up with comments, annotations, and measurements, and collaborate directly with stakeholders. You can access Studio Projects and Sessions through Bluebeam Cloud. Users with Core or Complete subscription plans can manage Studio Sessions, documents, and attendees directly from the web.

To access Studio, you must have a Bluebeam ID (BBID) and log in to your account. If you haven't created a BBID yet, click here to learn how. You can access Studio Sessions and Projects through Revu or Bluebeam Cloud.

A Core or Complete plan, active trial, or Revu 20 license
If you're a Basics subscriber, you can still collaborate in Studio but can't create new Sessions or Projects. You must be invited to join. -
A valid email address to create your BBID if you haven't already
A broadband internet connection
As the host/owner, you can create Sessions or Projects, manage documents and attendees, and define security and permissions.
If you use Revu for iPad, click here for more resources.

An active Bluebeam subscription plan (Basics, Core, or Complete) or a Revu 20 license
If you don't have an active Bluebeam Plan or license, you can still join a Studio Session or Project with Read-only access. -
A valid email address to create your BBID if you haven't already
A broadband internet connection to access the Studio server
Depending on your company's network policies, you may need to open ports in your firewall or proxy server if you're unable to connect to the Studio server.You may also work in Studio offline, but you must reauthenticate your account by logging in after 14 consecutive days of offline use.

Studio Sessions | Studio Projects | |
Maximum attendees | Up to 500 users | Unlimited |
Maximum files per Session/Project | Up to 5,000 | Unlimited |
Supported file types | PDF only | Word, Excel, PowerPoint, .csv, .jpg, .png, .html, .mp4, .txt, .btx (tool chest), .bex (set) |
Maximum file size | Up to 1 GB per file | Unlimited |
Maximum markup size | Up to 10 MB per markup | Unlimited |
Total storage available | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Manage attendee access rights | Yes | Yes |
View and restore previous file revisions | No | Yes |
Notifications about file and user activity | Yes | Yes |
Send and receive markup alerts | Yes | No |
Bluebeam Subscription required for collaborators | No | No |
Although Studio Projects offer unlimited file size and storage, our best practices suggest keeping the total size of the Project under 10 GB for higher performance.

Only a host/owner can manage documents unless the host/owner gives attendees permission to upload and manage files in Session and Project settings.
For instructions about adding and removing documents in Studio Sessions and Projects, see the Revu Help Guide.

If Sessions aren't finished by the host (or an attendee with full control permissions), the following happens:
After 80 days of inactivity, the host is notified via their BBID email that the Session will be archived in 10 days.
If the email doesn't arrive in your inbox, please check your spam or junk folder and make sure that is on the approved list of senders. -
After 90 days, the Session is archived.
After 170 days, the host is notified via their BBID email that the Session will be deleted in 10 days.
After 180 days, the Session is permanently deleted and can no longer be recovered.

If you create a Studio Session with an expiration date, expiration notices are sent to users at the following intervals leading up to the expiration date:
7 days before
2 days before
24 hours before
A Session Ended email is sent when the Session finally expires, and a Session Renewed email is sent if it's reactivated.

When you create a new Session in Studio, you'll see a check box for Email Notifications under Options in the Start Studio Session dialog. When you enable email notifications, the host will receive a daily summary of Session activity, including alerts when the host is inactive.
In Studio Projects, you can manage notifications and alerts by right-clicking the Studio Project in the Studio panel, and selecting Manage Notifications from the context menu.

When a host finishes a Session, the Session ends for all attendees, and the host can download Session documents from the Studio server. However, archived copies of the files are retained for 120 days before they're permanently deleted.
The Finish Session dialog allows the host to create the Session Report and select how to save or discard the documents.

This is the Studio portal where you can do the following:
Manage your Studio profile
Change your Studio password or account email address
If you're a Session host, you have the following additional options:
View a list of Studio Sessions you have created
View a list of attendees for each Session
View a list of documents within each Session
Recover deleted documents
Reassign ownership of a Session

You may not have validated your BBID account. You won't be able to log into Studio if your email address has not been validated within one week of creating your account.

You can close the ports in your firewall or proxy server that are required for Studio connections.
The hosts and port numbers are:
Additionally, IT administrators can configure a list of allowed Studio Servers and then "push" the registry settings to the relevant machines within their organization. Please contact Bluebeam Technical Support for further information and instructions.

Bluebeam currently provides Studio servers in the following regions outside the U.S.:
For instructions on connecting to each server and answers to other common questions about Studio regions, please see this article.
Revu 21
Revu 20
Getting Started