Syncing Work in Studio Projects Without an Internet Connection

Applies to:

  • Revu for Mac 2
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Syncing in Revu for Mac

When editing files in a Studio Project, an internet connection is preferred. However, this isn’t always possible, especially when working from remote job sites. That’s why Revu for Mac offers various methods for editing Project files offline, and then syncing edits once internet connection is restored. You can think of it as pre-loading the files onto your computer.

Preparing to work offline

  1. Open Studio Bluebeam Studio Icon and go to the Projects Bluebeam Studio Projects Icon panel.
  2. From your Project, designate the files you want to work with by hovering over and clicking the Set to Sync Set to Sync Icon icon at the top right corner. This creates locally cached copies of the files when the icon is a solid green Sync Files Solid Green Icon.
    You can designate all files inside a folder the same way. Click the Set to Sync Set to Sync Icon icon next to a folder to mark all subfolders and the files they contain.
  3. Secondary click on the file or folder and select Check Out Bluebeam Studio File Check Out Icon. This locks the files so no one else can change them.
  4. To begin working offline, click the Conncted connected to Bluebeam Studio icon button to disconnect from the internet. Now you can markup synced files offline.
Files that have not been Set to Sync Set to Sync Icon are not available when working offline. Ensure that the sync icon is visible and highlighted green Sync Files Solid Green Icon on your files.

Working offline

After the changes you made offline have been saved, Revu will store the file in a local cache.

Make sure to use Save and not Save As because this will break the file’s link to the Project.

Uploading your changes when you are back online

When you connect to the internet again, you can sync your files and edits back to the Studio Project.

  1. Click Offline Studio Offline Icon to re-connect with Studio Projects. Now you can check-in your edited files.
  2. Secondary click on the file in the Pending Changes list and select Check In Bluebeam Studio File Check In Icon.
Want to learn more about Studio Projects and Studio Offline? See the Revu for Mac Help Manual.

Syncing in Revu for iPad

You can work offline in Revu for iPad as well.


Revu for Mac 2


Revu for Mac offers various methods for editing Project files offline, and then syncing edits once internet connection is restored.

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