Customizing the Appearance of a Digital Signature
When a digital signature is applied to a PDF in Revu, the user can choose an appearance for their signature. These appearances are controlled by customizable signature appearance templates. Users can have multiple signature appearance templates, allowing for signatures with different layouts or that provide different information, depending on the situation.

Revu allows you to customize the information supplied with your digital signature as well as its appearance. You can also create multiple appearances for your digital signature to suit any kind of signing need.
To create a signature appearance template:
Go to Tools > Signatures > Digital IDs. The Manage Digital IDs dialog box appears.
Select the desired digital identity and click Manage Appearances. The <name> Appearances dialog box appears.
Click the
Add Appearance button. The Signature Appearance dialog box appears.
- Give this appearance template an easily recognizable name in the Title field. The title appears in the selection list when choosing which appearance template to use when signing the document.
- Choose a Graphic option:
- None: Applies no graphic to the signature.
- Name: Prints the signer's name as a graphic.
- File: Applies the specified graphic to the signature. Click the
navigate button to browse for a file (for example, a scan of the signer's "wet" signature).
Choose a Position option to determine where in the graphic appears in the signing box.
- Select any of the options in the Text list to enable them. These auto-generate certain information when a signature is applied. They are all optional.
Choose the Alignment of these options. The boxes correspond to the regions of a signature field, such as "top-left," "middle" or "bottom-right" (as shown in the example below).
- To set the font size of the text options manually, uncheck Auto and select the desired Font Size. Otherwise, leave Auto checked.
- To prevent field names such as "Digitally signed by" and "DN" from appearing in the signature box, uncheck Labels.
- To remove the Bluebeam icon watermark, uncheck Logo.
- The Preview of the digital signature updates whenever any option is set. Use this to confirm that the appearance of this digital signature is satisfactory, and when it is, click OK.