Creating a New Digital ID

Before you can digitally sign or certify a document, you need a digital ID in Revu. If you don't have one already installed on your computer, you can purchase one from a trusted Certificate Authority (consult the documentation that accompanies it to install the digital ID; Revu will automatically detect digital IDs installed in eTokens, USB dongles, or in your Windows Certificate Store) or you can create one in Revu (also known as "self-signed"). You will only need to do this once.

This process discusses the creation of a self-signed digital ID. If you purchase a digital ID from a third-part Certificate Authority, you should not need to create a digital ID in Revu. If you are uncertain whether you should use a self-signed digital ID or one purchased from a third-party Certificate Authority, there is a discussion of the merits of both options in the Digital Signatures Tutorial.

If you already have a PKCS #12 self-signed digital ID on your computer and wish to use it in Revu as well, you can import it instead of creating another one.

After creating your self-signed digital ID, you will need to export your public certificate so you can send it to recipients of your signed and/or certified documents.