General Preferences

The General Preferences contain general settings for Revu. Select General from the Preferences dialog box and select the appropriate tab to view or modify these preferences.

To open the Preferences dialog box:

  • Go to Revu > Preferences or press ⌘+COMMA.


User: Determines the username used to track history (for example, who placed or replied to a markup).

Reset Hidden Messages: Resets the "Don't Show Again" status of all dialog boxes that have had that option selected so they will appear again.

Use As Default PDF Viewer: Sets Revu as the default PDF viewer on this computer.

Dark Theme: Determines the color theme used for Revu. When enabled, the dark theme is used. Otherwise, the light theme is used.

Accelerated Rendering: When enabled, the advanced rendering engine is used on drawings, otherwise the standard rendering engine is used. Both engines are software-based with different strengths. If one rendering engine is not working to an acceptable level, switching to the other might resolve the issue.

Show Drawing Progress in Tab: When enabled, a progress bar is shown on the document tab while a drawing is being rendered.

Send Bluebeam usage data?: When enabled, data concerning the usage of Revu is captured and automatically sent to Bluebeam servers. No user data is captured or transmitted.